Our Work

Apps Platform

The apps available on the platform demonstrate our results in a reproducible manner, and have the ambition to speed up the feedback loop between climate finance research and financial institutions use cases.
Click on this button to assess the TRISK climate stress test app:

Local Install

For a quick install and execution of our code, you should start by following the installation steps in the Readme of this repository :

Other Work

Please use the Links below to access our Work

Tilt and Trisk

We collaborated with tilt, an independent venture launched by Theia Finance Labs, to incorporate the 1in1000 transition risk stress test impacts into the tilt SME database.

The Tilt-Trisk merged dataset incorporates SME data impacts as calculated by Tilt, and integrates these with transition shocks computed under various scenarios with the 1in100 Trisk model. This resulting database reveals the effects on more than 13,000 SMEs.

Interested to find out more? Contact us under 1in1000@theiafinance.org

Are you looking for our matching methodology? Please use the link below to access our Tilt-Trisk Matching Methodology Report.

Open-source Repositories

Please find below a description of our different open source repositories, as well as the links to access them. You can also download our Stress Test scenario data from this link : st_inputs.zip (zip file). You need to decompress it locally to explore the .csv files it contains, or to use them as inputs to the climate stress test. This folder also contains synthetic data for the production and financial datasets. You would need to replace them with your own, or get in touch with us to access ours for research projects.

You can download data dictionnaries giving an overview of the scenarios datasets here : st_inputs_dictionaries.zip

  • The trisk.demo repository provides installation steps of our software suite in the context of a Transition Risk. This demo project is set up with compatible versions of the individual risk packages, and will be updated with scripts to reproduce our methodologies and analysis.

  • Explore Trisk data source files in this repository, reproduce the data cleaning, and get development version of the latest st_inputs.zip.

  • The Climate stress test Risk model repository. Use the ST Input files and a set of user-defined parameters to run our stress test.

  • In this repository, you can generate off-the-shelf Trisk plots to explore the model output indicators and scenario pathways. You can run Sensitivity anaysis or anlyse the impact of the stress test on a portfolio

  • Rshiny webapp to explore impact of stress test runs on a portfolio. The app can be run locally, in a Kubernetes cluster, on any cloud provider in an on-premise infrastructure.

Please use the links below to access our different repositories.